Representation under ILO Constitution, Article 24


This is a representation, submitted in accordance with Article 24 of the ILO Constitution, against the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal. The representation relates to the non-compliance by Nepal with its obligations under ILO Convention No. 169 (the “Convention”), which was ratified by Nepal on 14 September 2007. This representation is filed by Nepal Telecom Karmachari Union.

This representation relates to a road-widening project (the “Project”) currently being undertaken by the Nepali government in 83 localities covering 996 KM. within the Kathmandu Valley, which (as currently planned and implemented in some areas) involves the demolition of houses and significant Newarcultural heritage sites and forced displacement of an estimated 140,000 people, the majority of whom (on best estimates) appear to be Newar. Demolition and displacement connected with the Project is already underway despite a Supreme Court interim injunction prohibiting demolition while a domestic legal challenge is being heard.

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